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Single core plastic optical cable

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Product description
Plastic optical fiber cable is a kind of light guide medium for transmitting optical signal, which is covered with polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride and other plastic sheaths by single core or multi-core plastic optical fiber.
Optical fiber cable is manufactured to meet the optical, mechanical or environmental performance specifications. It is a communication cable assembly that uses one or more optical fibers in the sheath as the transmission medium and can be used alone or in combination.
Product features
High speed data transmission, broadband access, fiber to home, fiber to desk, home and office intelligent network, automotive multimedia, industrial control, factory automation, automotive and aircraft, and military applications. All kinds of short-range data communication, including audio jumper, sensor, grounding and short-circuit indication protector, plastic optical fiber optical network, LAN, home and office optical network, enterprise optical network, digital monitoring, IPTV broadband connection, plastic optical fiber sensor.

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